
Speak: English, Spanish
DaliaHilton was online: 12 hours ago


My description is : I am pleased to immerse myself in new experiences where pleasure has no limit, I am a combination of eroticism and sensuality...

I like: I love music and I enjoy dancing very much. I am happy walking in the open air and romantic dinners.

I don't like: Traffic of my city

Age: 35

Preference: bisexual

Breast size:

Build: skinny

Ethnicity: latin

EyeColor: green

Hair Color: green

Hair Length: long

Sex: female

Price: 2.49

Top 30 DaliaHilton`s pics gallery and live erotic show on VersoPorn❤️!

VersoPorn❤️:DaliaHilton is our bisexual newbie. Lucky she gets to reach in anybody`s pants and be happy no matter what finds there! This 35 year old blondehaired sex monster wants anal sex badly .